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来自 87 个客户评价


    特加商务咨询协助我们的国际客户获得新加坡标准支付机构牌照。我们的团队将提供企业注册、企业银行开户、聘用当地合格董事、寻找当地实体办公室和牌照申请的全套服务。特加商务咨询在这一领域拥有丰富的经验,能够准确地为我们的客户提供建议。 新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 宣布引入 支付服务法 ,旨在加强新加坡支付服务的监管框架。主要目标是提高对电子支付整体使用的信心,同时保护消费者的安全。

    过去,本地公司如果从事储值工具 (SVF) 或汇款业务,就有可能获得 MAS 的许可豁免。截至目前,新申请人均需申请支付机构牌照。如果您的新加坡公司之前一直在执行上述服务,特加商务咨询可以协助您向 MAS 申请宽限期。




    Providing one of the following payment services:

    (I)  An account issuance service;

    (ii) A domestic money transfer service;

    (iii) A cross border money transfer service;

    (iv) A merchant acquisition service;

    (v) An e‑money issuance service;

    (vi) A digital payment token service; or

    Providing 2 or more of the following payment services:

    (I)  An account issuance service;

    (ii) A domestic money transfer service;

    (iii) A cross‑border money transfer service;

    (iv) A merchant acquisition service;

    (v) An e‑money issuance service;

    (vi) A digital payment token service;

    (vii) A money‑changing service.


    • 任何支付服务(电子货币账户发行和货币兑换服务除外)的每月交易额为 300 万新元。
    • 两项或多项支付服务(电子货币账户发行和货币兑换服务除外)的每月交易额为 600 万新元。
    • 每日 500 万新元的未偿电子货币

    为说明上述情况,如果您计划仅进行国内汇款服务和电子货币账户发行,您的每月交易限额为 300 万新元。这是因为您的支付服务提供商只提供一种支付服务,因为电子货币账户的发行不包括在内。

    另一方面,如果您计划同时进行国内和跨境汇款服务,您的每月交易额将达到 600 万新元。这是因为您的企业现在提供两种支付服务。


    Advantages of obtaining a  Singapore Standard Payment Institution License

    An entity applying for a standard payment institution license in Singapore may get the following advantage: 

    • Access to the Singapore market: Singapore is a leading financial hub in Asia and obtaining an standard payment institution license can provide a gateway to the Singapore market and the wider Asia-Pacific region.
    • Credibility and trust: Being licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) can enhance a company’s credibility and instill trust among customers, partners, and investors.
    • Ability to offer a range of payment services: With an standard payment institution license, a company can offer a wide range of payment services, such as account issuance, domestic and cross-border money transfers, e-wallets, and digital payment tokens.
    • Regulatory oversight: MAS regulates and supervises standard payment institutions to ensure they comply with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regulations, as well as consumer protection standards.
    • Access to regulatory sandboxes: MAS provides regulatory sandboxes that allow SPIs to test and launch new products and services in a controlled environment.
    • Opportunities for partnerships: Standard payment institutions can partner with banks, fintech companies, and other payment institutions to expand their business and offer innovative solutions to customers.
    • 国际认可: Singapore has a reputation for having a robust regulatory framework and obtaining an standard payment institution license can provide international recognition for the company’s compliance standards.


    • 申请必须由在新加坡注册的公司或在新加坡注册的外国分支机构提交。
    • 您需要有当地的注册办公室地址或实体办公室。
    • 100,000 新加坡元的最低实收资本应存入您的企业银行账户。
    • 您的董事会应包括:
      • 至少一名执行董事是新加坡公民或新加坡永久居民,或
      • 至少 1 名新加坡公民或新加坡永久居民的非执行董事和至少 1 名持有新加坡就业准证的执行董事。
    • 根据 MAS 2021 年 1 月 18 日技术风险管理指南的最新更新,所有牌照持有人现在都必须任命一名首席信息官、首席技术官或 IT 主管。该人员主要负责制定和实施整体信息技术战略,监督日常信息技术运营,管理金融机构的信息技术风险。 还必须任命首席信息安全官或信息安全负责人负责
    • 还必须任命首席信息安全官或信息安全负责人负责金融机构的信息安全战略和计划,包括但不限于保护信息资产的信息安全政策和程序、信息安全控制、和信息安全管理。


    • 如果您的业务超过上述门槛,您将需要申请主要支付机构牌照。您将受到其他要求的约束,例如最低实收资本为 250,000 新元和高达 200,000 新元的保证金。
    • 如果任何一项支付服务的每月平均支付交易不超过 600 万新元,则保证金将为 100,000 新元。如果您的业务超过此门槛,保证金将增加到 200,000 新元。您可以选择将保证金作为在 MAS 的现金存款或作为银行担保来维持。
    • MAS 还要求拥有主要支付机构牌照的公司以担保或信托账户的形式保护资金。


    新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 表示,他们将在评估标准支付机构牌照的颁发时考虑以下标准。

    • 控制者和董事的适当性和适当性。
    • 治理结构。
    • 资格和经验,特别是在运营支付服务业务和遵守监管要求方面。
    • 财务状况和业绩记录。
    • 商业计划和模式,包括运营准备。
    • 能够遵守 PS 法案规定的义务,包括合规、技术风险管理和审计安排。
    • 其他司法管辖区的监管状况(如适用)。
    • 对于拥有控股公司的申请人,承诺在新加坡开展业务。
    • 授予许可是否符合公共利益。


    MAS 表示,批准每个牌照申请没有明确的时间表。每个申请都将被单独审查,他们可能会要求提供额外的支持文件或信息。只有在收到完整的信息后,他们才会提供有关牌照申请的反馈。

    Ongoing requirements for Singapore Standard Payment Institution License

    • An entity once granted the respective license of operating a standard payment institution in Singapore is obligated to consistently abide by all applicable rules and regulations outlined in the Payment Services Act of Singapore and other pertinent laws. Licensees are required to set up systems, rules, and processes to make sure they fulfill their continuing requirements, including applications and notifications to the MAS when needed. The following is a summary of some of these criteria.
    • Anit-money laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (“AML/CFT”) requirements: A licensed entity is required to abide by the guidelines set out in the MAS Notices on Prevention of Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism and Reporting of Suspicious Activities & Incidents of Fraud. To do this, processes must be in place for customer due diligence, record-keeping, and risk assessment and mitigation.
    • Requirement to file for periodic returns: According to the Payment Services Regulations of Singapore, a licensed entity is required to file periodic regulatory returns pertaining to its payment service operations.
    • Requirements for suitable business conduct: A licensed entity is required to abide by rules governing the conduct of businesses, including securing clients’ funds, keeping track of transactions, issuing receipts, and clearly displaying fees and currency rates. The licensed entities must also make sure they abide by all limits and prohibitions, including those pertaining to personal payment account stock and flow as well as unlawful commercial operations.
    • Cyber hygiene: A licensed entity must put in place the necessary protections to secure customer information and adhere to the cyber hygiene criteria outlined in the Notice on Cyber Hygiene [PSN06].
    • Disclosure and communications: A licensed entity must accurately portray the license’s scope and give disclosures where those disclosures are pertinent to the licensee’s business. Additionally, a licensee must make sure that clients are promptly informed of any significant alterations to the disclosures.  
    • Annual audit requirements: A licensed entity is required to choose an auditor each year to conduct an audit of its books and transactions as well as its compliance with rules and standards. The licensee is responsible for ensuring that the auditor submits MAS a report in Form 4.
    • It is crucial to keep track of these ongoing requirements as well as any regulatory updates and MAS’s published guidance. Please be aware that MAS may cancel or suspend your Standard Payment Institution License if you do not follow the rules that apply to your business. Therefore, it is important to engage Tetra Consultants’ team of licensing experts to keep you updated on the new regulatory requirements.


    特加商务咨询将协助我们的国际客户 客户注册新加坡公司 。这个过程大约在 1 周内注册申请。参阅 此网页 了解有关新加坡注册流程的更多信息。

    公司注册后,特加商务咨询将继续在一家信誉良好的本地银行 开立企业银行账户 。整个流程需大概 4周 。该银行账户将用于存入从新加坡金融管理局获得标准支付机构许可证所需的最低实收资本。特加商务咨询将为我们的国际客户提供银行账户和网上银行令牌。

    同时,特加商务咨询将协助我们的国际客户准备牌照申请所需的全面商业计划和 AML/CFT(反洗钱和打击资助恐怖主义)政策。





    如果我们的国际客户决定担任公司的执行董事,特加商务咨询将获得人力部的就业准证。这个过程大约需要6 周的时间才能获得批准,此后,您将被任命为执行董事。另一方面,如果需要,特加商务咨询可以提供一名名义非执行董事来满足强制性要求。

    上述完成后,特加商务咨询将向新加坡金融管理局提交牌照申请以供批准。一切顺利,我们预计会在 10周 内收到反馈。如果需要其他文件,特加商务咨询将立即准备提交,以防止任何延迟。

    总的来说,特加商务咨询希望注册您的新加坡公司,开设本地企业银行账户并从 MAS 获得标准支付机构牌照。

    What are the discretionary criteria for evaluating a Singapore Standard Payment Institution License? 

    • An application for a major payment institution license may be approved or rejected at the discretion of MAS. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the aspects that MAS considers while evaluating your application for a license, including the following:
      • If the company’s controllers and directors, such as the sole owner, partners, directors, CEO, shareholders, and staff, meet the MAS Guidelines on Fit and Proper Criteria.
      • if the company’s controllers and directors have the necessary training and expertise, particularly in managing a firm that offers payment services and adhering to legal obligations.
      • The business’s financial standing and track record.
      • If the entity is capable of having in place compliance, safeguarding, technology risk management, and audit arrangements, as well as being able to adhere to regulatory requirements under the PSA.

    Validity period of Singapore Standard Payment Institution License

    • A Singapore Standard Payment Institution license is granted for an indefinite period unless any of the following situations occur: 
      • The license is revoked by MAS in case of any fraud or failure of public interest is discovered; or
      • The license is considered to have lapsed in case of expiry of license as per the terms defined, failure to adhere to the regulatory requirements, laws, and regulations concerning the payment system of Singapore; or 
      • The licensee surrenders the authorization on its own.
    • In case the entity no longer possesses the Singapore Standard Payment Institution License (whether it has lapsed, been revoked, or been surrendered), the entity will be taken off the Financial Institutions Directory, and you must stop offering any kind of payment service right once.
    • Further, Please take note that continuing to offer payment services without a license in good standing is illegal. If you do, you might face a monetary penalty of up to S$100,000 upon conviction and an additional penalty of up to S$10,000 each day if the offense continues.


    • 申请 支付牌照 对多数投资者而言可能是复杂又耗时的,特别是对于不了解该司法管辖区内监管该牌照的法律和法规,则可能是一个艰巨的过程。 特加商务咨询提供申请支付牌照的一站式体验,以便您可以将精力投入到业务的其他渠道中。 
    • 我们的牌照顾问在协助国际客户申请离岸支付牌照领域拥有丰富经验和专业知识,在从在拟议管辖范围内成立实体到最终谈判以及与监管机构和政府当局联络的整个过程中确保高水平及专业,以便为我们的国际客户成功申请牌照。 
    • 同时,特加商务咨询在提供一站式服务领域拥有丰富经验,我们的团队可协助贵司成功申请各类 离岸金融牌照


    现在联系我们 了解有关获得新加坡标准支付机构牌照的更多信息。我们的专家团队将在接下来的 24 小时内回复。



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